1924 Garden Party

1924 Garden Party 1924 Garden Party

Paycockes House, Coggeshall, Essex, UK

The Companye of Merrie Folke are pleased to announce an exciting departure from our usual Medieval and Tudor reenactments. This year sees the beautiful Paycockes House in Coggeshall, celebrate one hundred years of it being gifted to The National Trust, having been donated by Noel Buxton MP for the benefit of the Nation and for its protection.

To mark this momentous occasion, we will be taking the house back to the Roaring Twenties (1924) with a splendid garden party complete with croquet on the lawn, afternoon tea, Gramophone music and of course a few choice cocktails for the Buxton family (the last private owners of the house) and their guests.

A few "bright young things" may pop in to show off their Charleston and Black Bottom skills which (of course) they are happy to teach those visiting. Come and meet some spiffing characters from the period and learn of their experiences. If you are feeling tickety-boo why not join us in period clothing and be part of the event, you would be made to feel most welcome and hopefully leave feeling most chipper.

The event will run from 11am till 4pm, and further details can be found here;

https://companyeofmerriefolke.wordpress.com/ and Paycocke's House and Garden | Essex | National Trust


Normal entry charges apply.

Date 29 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024
Time 11:00 AM to 04:00 PM
Admission Free to National Trust members, charges apply to non-members

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