The battle of Falkirk 1298

The battle of Falkirk 1298

Falkirk, FK1 1, United Kingdom

The Battle of Falkirk was a battle fought during the First War of Scottish Independence in 1298. It was fought between the forces of King Edward I of England and the Scottish rebels led by Sir William Wallace. The English forces were victorious, and the battle marked the end of the successful rebellion led by Wallace. The English victory at Falkirk allowed them to regain control of Scotland, and marked the beginning of a long period of English rule over the country.
we will bring history to life with our traditional commemoration we highly encourage the public to take part in as well as bringing the story of the battle of Falkirk 1298 to life through storytelling, music and theatrics with historical demonstrations and much much more

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19 Jul 2025 - 19 Jul 2025
10:00 AM to 06:00 PM


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